Bring your next meeting or convention home to Winnipeg. Visit for more information.
Economic Development Winnipeg's Bring It
Home program partners with local experts
and leaders in their respective fields to
advocate for Winnipeg. As a leader, your
influence is a catalyst for driving your field's
professional organizations and associations to
host meetings and conventions here at home.
Dayna Spiring CEO & President, Economic
Development Winnipeg
As Bring It Home champions, you are leading
by example. When you bring business and
academic leaders from around the world to
attend a meeting or convention in Winnipeg,
you are helping to raise our city's profile. When
those individuals commit to new investments
or research, or new collaborations with local
experts, you are strengthening Winnipeg's
economy. When you work with the Bring It
Home program, you are leaving a legacy, and
validating our city's world-class status.
Bring Your Next Meeting or
Convention Home to Winnipeg
Showcase Winnipeg's local expertise, talent, and amenities
Elevate the profile of your industry, and your local influence
on the big stage
Generate revenue for your local association or organization
Provide a forum for like-minded professionals
from around the world
Leave a legacy for future generations
meetings & conventions
million direct spend
room nights
From 2010 to 2018, Bring It Home helped facilitate
which introduced more than approximately
Mike Gould
Business Development Manager,
Bring It Home program
P 204.954.1967
Winnipeg's success
in Bringing It Home
Why be a
City Champion?